Are you... *

What description below most closely describes what you do? *

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? *
Mostly agree Agree Neither Disagree Mostly disagree N/A
I have a robust support network, and I can call for backup
I am taken seriously in meetings
I am frequently told I am ‘too aggressive’, or that I ‘need to speak up more’
I take regular part in networking events

I have a robust support network, and I can call for backup

I am taken seriously in meetings

I am frequently told I am ‘too aggressive’, or that I ‘need to speak up more’

I take regular part in networking events

What training opportunities have you been offered in your role? (tick all that apply) *

Have you ever been personally harassed in your workplace? *

If you have anything you’d like to add to the above–experiences, comments, opinions–make your voice heard here: